Thanks Kelley! 3 months Your cot saved many backaches.
Thanks for the generosity!
Hello. My name is Shannon Teddy. I have met Katie only a few times at my church when she came with her friend Kelsy Doss who attends our church and has been a family friend for several years. When i went to see Katie last week at the the hospital I found her to be beautiful still. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were sparkling with life. My family and I have spent many hours in prayer for this little girl believing that God is still in control and going to show Himself faithful in it all. I say this knowing first hand the anxiety of this type of situation. My son was born 4 months premature, not breathing and with bleeding on his brain. Each minute was touch and go for what seemed like forever. He was in the NICU for 3 months before he came home. We took classes on everything to make sure when he came home we knew what to do to help him survive. THe information, equipment, nurses, therapists, doctors, changes, fatigue seemed never ending. We had such support, love and help from our friends, and church family to make our journey  do-able. My family saw God heal my son and do things that the doctors said would never be. Now my son is going into first grade at Mountain View Elementary and loves life and is full of life. The doctors said he would never see, walk, talk or do anything but lie in bed and stare. God had a different plan. I am praying that for Katie miracle upon miracle would be seen. My family and I want to help in whatever way we can. We can help raise money , awareness, cook, clean, chauffer, children, help Lynn at home or whatever. 
My husband works at Coca-Cola and is on a stewardship committee that works with situations like this to help in what ways they can. He is meeting with them soon to give them details and see how they can be involved. Below is my contact information. Leave a message if i do not answer the phone. I work part time at Mountain View in the cafteria. Thanks again,and God bless you for your time concern, and effort,---Shannon Teddy   Home 895-7435  cell 423-3710 
Thanks Tigers for the donations !
Thanks Homestead for the extra 50 MB of donated disc space from the easiest to use website builder on the planet !
Thanks again BRYAN PARRIS for setting up yet another fundraiser !
Thankyou Sellers Roofing, You guys are great !
Doing this website I have run into some really great people who do not want any recogniItion and praise. It's just already in their hearts. Like Katies...solid gold. I have put these names here without anyone asking me to,or even without their knowledge. None of these are looking for recognition, they are just following their hearts. Some are clickable in case you might need any of their products or services.
Also, I have missed a bunch. If you know of someone who has helped not listed here please let me know asap.
Katies soon to be new bedroom--->
So much help from here it's amazing. Thankyou, Barney Gibson
Chief Engineer
Crowne Plaza Greenville

I am a father of a child (Eliah) who was in PICU for a week when Katie was admitted.  I know her family stays at the hospital all the time with her, and I have a small, foldaway cot that I used in the room while there.  (My wife used the pull-out bed, and I used to cot.)  It definitely is a lot more comfortable to sleep on than those green recliner chairs!  If Katie's family could put it to use, I'd be more than glad to bring it by GMH for them.  Just let me know.      -Kelley Peart
C K Supply 
PO Box 400
Mauldin, SC

Thankyou Sam Teague
Vic Eskew
Thanks to...
Thanks to Mindy Lamb
for much hard work with no A/C !
Thanks for so much Barry Long !
Caught in the act !
Working on Katies room. The hard stuff sheet rock etc. all at no charge
Hi Tom,                      Sep 17 2008
We wanted to let you know about a benefit going on today for Katie. NHC Homecare of Greenville provides care for Katie. We know it has been extremely hard for the Doll family and we wanted to do something to help. After brainstorming with our staff and with a lot of help from Chuck Dunn,  we have arranged a hot dog lunch for the workers over at Honeywell. Everything for the lunch was donated and Chuck who works at Honeywell took orders from the employees. We will be delivering the lunches today at 11 and we will be sending the family a check for $663. We were so excited about how the men and women of Honeywell rallied to raise money for Katie that we wanted to let you know. It is so great that the community has rallied around this family. We know how difficult this has been for the whole family and we hope this helps a little. Thank you for all you do with this website, we check it frequently and love all you have done. If there is ever anything we can do, please let us know.                                               The staff of NHC Homecare of Greenville
Thankyou Chuck Dunn &
Thankyou so much Christy Moody and her Dad!
Thanks Anthony for the coolest T-Shirts ever!
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Thankyou Vivian Lindsey and all the loving and wonderful people at Tyger Baptist Church Vacation Bible School who made a beautiful blanket and raised a whopping $619.00 for Katie!